
Monday 31 May 2021

Kate Sheppard

 Hello Bloggers

Today I have more stuff about protest for you. this time we are going to learn about Kate Sheppard, about her and what she did to help woman. I hope you guys enjoy! 


  1. Where was Kate Sheppard born?

  • Kate Sheppard was born in Liverpool, England in 1847

  1. Why do you think Kate Sheppard was placed on the New Zealand $10 note?    

  • I think Kate Sheppard is on the $10 note because she was a hero to the woman in New Zealand, standing up for women's rights and her rights! She would have been brave to pull something like that, to show that woman can do anything!

  1. What does WCTU stand for?

  • Women’s Christian Temperance Union

                                             True or False?

  1. Kate Sheppard was born in 1847

  • True

  1. Australia was the first country to allow women to vote

                 - False

  1. Nearly 32,000 signatures were collected in Sheppard’s petition

  • True

  1. Kate Sheppard’s image is on the new Zealand $20 note

  • False


     Understand Explain Ideas and Concepts

  1. Summarise this article in your own words

       Now in New Zealand all genders are equal, but in the old days it wasn’t like that. Until a woman called Kate Sheppard came around in 1868 before the whole thing happened she joined the WCTU (Women’s Christian Temperance Union) and married her husband Walter Sheppard. Moving on she went all around New Zealand, getting people to sign a petition, over 32,00 women signed. then in 1893 women could vote! So everything that she did wasn’t for nothing!. 

2. In the following sentences highlight the nouns and underline the verb

Sheppard travelled all over New Zealand, writing to newspapers, holding public meetings and talking to members of parliament

Women could now vote! New Zealand woman were the first in the world to be able to vote

(Writing can be used as both)

3. Using the word bank below, fill in the gaps to complete these sentences

Note        32,000          Believe            Postage stamp 

  1. Many men didn’t believe women should be able to vote 

  2. Kate Sheppard collected 32,000 signatures in a petition

  3. Sheppard featured on a postage stamp and in 1991, her image was placed on the New Zealand $10 Note .

  1. In the following paragraph from the text, circle or use a highlighter to show the key words  and/or phrases*

In 1893 Kate Sheppard and her team collected the signatures of nearly 32,000 women and men to show how many people supported their cause. They also had the support of the Prime minister at the time, John Balance. This petition was 270 metres long!

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