
Friday 9 March 2018

humpty dumpty

Once upon time humpty barney was sitting on his wall there were some children next to his wall humpty foto the children would do everything but he was roed the children was sacking the wall humpty was hodeing on tiet but he fall down the children ran away Humpty Dumpty  all cracked up as a egg the Kingsman did not know he was all cracked up

he said there for one day and tonight and then Kings man came to check on Humpty they found him all cracked up as a egg Humpty was trying to say something but  the Kingsman did not understand he was trying to say some children wooing my wall they made me fall down The Kinks man see how the children make it fall off a wall The  wall was smashed What was Humpty supposed to do The Kingsman said we can build your wall but it will take a long time Maybe three day or something


  1. Hi Milla here I would love to see your hole story but it just turned out to big maby you could go back and edit it but ill still be watching have a good day Riley Bye.

  2. Hi ti liv bid you think about you brought me back to when bey

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  5. Hi Riley,
    Good job on the story about humpty dumpty story, you should work on your spelling and you should fix the glitch because it is going out of the page. From Kareem


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