
Thursday 1 March 2018

gymnastics blog

hey everyone the  aim of gymnatics is geting a good soer here is a viod this is a vode with lauren smith eveiy so that all i have today bye everyone i konw it was not long i will ewit it bye


  1. good wok ti me olivia l like ti bye

  2. Hi Riley it is Lacie here. NIce job on this. i liked the video.

  3. hi Riley its christina i love your post because they are perfect

  4. hi Riley i like doing Gymnastics and i realy like your video did you know i won 2000 for doing Gymnstics i hope you do

  5. Hey Riley Its Kaycee here. i like how you put lauren on there i like the video you put on.

  6. Hi Riley my name is Ethan H
    and im in Te ropo manawaroa and I like your Gamatics video that you made and the song with it so do you do Gamatics and is this your favourite Gamatics I don't know But maybe next time put some more Images and words.So thats all so blog you later.

  7. you not my socks off with cat video


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