it was not white before i weat back to my house “me thinking to my sife could it does the fox like me as a owea” i side to the fox hey fox do you like me the fox side something what the h-ll the fox side hello how can you talk yes side the fox B-but how i will toed the stoy ok so i was a little baby fox i was 1 i had a mum a dad and a sisetr and so my sisetr was oery there me she was 3 we wel sleeping we all was sleeping i and i got toing bye someone i think it wasa witch i think becse the fox did’-
- i know bacuse i was i little a sleep i had wack up in a the witch waent a away for a little bit so but it ted out the witch just want a pet the just give me ham very day...ugggg i hated it very very VERY DAY and it was row yuck so one day the wich weant out i was i a caur but i was a strong foxbut that was a long time a go you see i am wihe now bacuse i am geting proew wait whattt you have proew your cazy what it you me cazy thats all “bump” the fox kick me into the wall why did you do that i had to side the fox i ha- neremined whats the point i will go to bed i put my pjs on and went to bed the fox went to on my bed why did you have to go on my bed its nice sort meby i colud i celn my bed this is my bed:
you can sleep on the side wait i you need i name your name can be
why jeff its a good name your can be a brave fox and a cool fox you dream to much kid ok cool you can dream to no i can not why can you not dream bacuse i am a fox foxs do not dream ok whatever whatever whatever just say what say what you say………..ok well just go to bed the went to bed but meee i just read a book….. It was call wonderful world it had lots of chapters this is what the book looks like
this is the book it just i different way because it is on the wrong side but if it was on the foct it would say wonderful world its a wied book when it someone call galaxy girl she like a galaxy moon like this
she is just a galaxy moon but she is just a moon that’s all i stop read the book i was at chapter 34 i am cose to chapter 35 im going to bed. Next day...i had wack up the fox up Already trying to find something To eat in my fridge whyy...The fox was silent it was like an awkward moment here's a picture:
- sorry its not the right picture i Tried please but it's basically like this ok back to the stoy so just saying this is not my picture ok it was a Awkward moment thats all i can say i was going to have that for morning meal but whatever i had some toast Instead I sert Down and watch TV with my toast and my fox This is not what the fox looks like.i had my toast aifer i had my toast I got dressed and Brush my teeth i was going out but… the fox had to came with i will Tell you things about the fox about ok
- Annoying
- kinda funny
- Eats lots
- Dirty
and That's all i went to the shop and got some food and i want a game call roblox here's a picture:
had noting noting it did Deserve anything i wanted to tack a nap but jeff the fox Wouldn't let me
UGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! JUST STOP I CAN’T JUST DO ANYTHING AM HAVE A ENOUGH OF IT GET GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!!!!!!!! A-b a o-o ok FINE WHATEVER I DID LIKE YOU ANYWAY the fox went a away crying’ w-what d-d did i do whey did i do that i need to ran After jeff i call his name 10 times but he did come whats the pont the fox will not come back... so this is the going to be more soon bye everone :)
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