
Thursday 2 December 2021

Making Ginger Beer


I want to find out how to brew Ginger Beer


How To Make Alcohol

How To Make Ginger Beer




  • Plastic Cup
  • Pen
  • Powered Ginger 
  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Spoon
  • Lemon Juice
  • Yeast 

  1. Get Your Equipment 
  2. Put your name on a disposable cup
  3. Put half a teaspoon of ginger into the cup
  4. Add half a cup of water 
  5. Add one tablespoon of Sugar into the cup
  6. Mix with a spoon 
  7. Put five drops of lemon juice 
  8. Taste it and adjust the flavor 
  9. Add one quarter of a teaspoon yeast
  10. Let it brew for one week



I tasted like crap, I don't like gingerbeer already but this was way worst 0/10 I think i'm going to throw up  

What is Fermentation?

Yeast will eat the sugar and breath out CO2 or known as Carbon Dioxide.

What are best conditions for brewing 

For normal ale Fermentation temperatures can range from 60 to 78 °F  but for larger fermentations can go from 45 to 55 °F

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