
Friday 9 July 2021

Mentos and Coke


I Want to find out what happens when you drop mentos in coke




  • Coke, coke NO Sugar, Sprite
  • Mint Mentos
  • Detergent
  • Beakers
  • Safety Glasses
  • Measuring Cylinder 
  1. Get Equiqment
  2. Measure 50mls of coke into measuring Cylinder
  3. Measure 10mls of detergent into the measuring Cylinder
  4. Put you detergent in with you coke
  5. Drop your mentos into your coke
  6. Watch what happens
  7. And try with three others cokes

CokeCoke-NO SugarSprite
Height of Bubbles54mL71mL56mL


Why did the bubbles form?

There are Tiny bumps on the surface of the Mentos which help balances carbon dioxide with water and when you put the Mentos in the carbon dioxide reacts with the coke.

(Something like that)

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