
Friday 29 May 2020


Hey, Everyone today I have a Samoa slide to share with you so if you don't know it is Samoan language week at school we have been doing lots of Samoan activities we have been learning how to say How are you & Fine, Thank you. Well, That's all for me! Bye & Have a great Samoan Language Week.

Friday 22 May 2020

Learning From My Mistakes.

Hello Everyone, this week we have been learning about the dip/Learning from my mistakes. We created a pit to show what makes us feel like we are in the learning pit and what helps us to get out of the pit.  

My next steps are when I make a Mistake I can try again.

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Wednesday, 20 May 2020 [] Writing MindMups

Being a Courteous Writer

Today we learned how to create a MindMup so we could identify and remember the things we need to do when writing so we are showing courtesy to our audience.  For many of us, creating a MindMup was a new experience.  This is the one we co-created. 

Our next step is to use MindMup for organizing our ideas in different subject areas.

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Steps Check In

How My StepsWeb Work Is Going

Today we looked at how many minutes we have done on StepsWeb in the last eight weeks.  This is a screenshot of my time so far.

My goal for Steps time each week for the rest of the term is: Is to get higher than 80 minutes in a week & and get my accuracy higher than 95%

Monday 18 May 2020

PMI Chart!

PMI Chart

Hello everyone, Today I have a PMI chart to show you if you don't know what a PMI chart is let me explain

It's like reflecting on what we did and having a look at the positives, negatives, and interesting about it (I think?) so I have Reflect on lockdown.

Anyways I hope you guys have a great day And enjoy!

Thursday 7 May 2020

Another Milshake!

Hello! today I have another Milkshake to show you! this time its an oreo type of milkshake here's some pictures that's all for this bye!!
If you would like to make it here's the link(try it here!)

3 ingredient Chocolate mousse trifle!

Hello! everyone today I have more food to share with you! we have the Chocolate mousse Trifle I made A whole slide about it So have a look Well that's all for today bye!

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Values and Behaviour

Values and Behaviour
Hello everyone! Welcome back today I have a slide to show you about Values and Behaviour Each week we focus on a different value. In term one, we assessed ourselves and made next steps so that we can continue to get better at showing each of these values. Here is my self-review Now I still working on it but I have done all the emojis, Enjoy! 
Here are some pictures


Hello! today I have READO Show you f you don't know what READO is there how I Explain It.

So as you can tell By the name READO Is a reading bingo type of thing Today I did The jigsaw. Heres what jigsaw I did. If you can't see it took me 3:40 minutes.
If you want to do a jigsaw here's the link(Click here to do a jigsaw!) that's all for today bye!

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Being Positive Online

Being Positive Online 

Being Positive online is important! It's not nice to be mean.
(I don't know what to write)

Question: How do you be nice online?

Needs and wants

Needs and wants

Today I have another thing to share with you needs and wants! Say if you wanted Pet but you need clothes what one would you go for? (you can still go for the pet but I would go for clothes first)

Question: Of all the Items what one would you want the most?

Honesty T chart

Honesty T chart

Hello! Today I have an Honesty T chart to show you if you don 't know what an honesty T chart is. Here is how I'm going to explain it

So a T chart (You can just look up a T chart if you want) It build like a T At the top of the T chart you will have whats it about so my one Honesty So I put Honesty T chart you don't have to put T chart with it I just did, So then you will have two things say like Pro or Cons and you put your ideas down
(I hope this was an alright)  Just look at the picture If you do understand.that's all for today bye!!

Monday 4 May 2020

Being Organised!

Hi! today I have a google drawing about Being Organised I don't really know what to say about this so just have a look!

Question: What do you do to be organized?

Our place Our name.

Hello! Welcome back I have another blog post And this is about Our place Our name I don't know how to explain But I will try So it's about our school and places in my school! 

First,it will have the Maori name say like
Kōmanawa then it will have English which is
The staffroom
then you have to put what it means so this one means
A spring, a place to refresh


Anyways that's all for this Bye!

My Cultural Connections!

Cultural Connections

Hello Everyone! today I have another slide to share with you and it's about My Cultural Connections! This isn't new I just forgot to post it on my blog so here it is! We made this for our cultural sharing day. It's about learning about the culture and at lunchtime, we have this big class lunch with all different kinds of food! anyways that's all bye!

Goal: Maybe just make it look better? I don't know
Question: What culture do you want to learn about the most?

Friday 1 May 2020

New zealand Music month

NZ Music month

Hi everyone, Today I did a slide about new Zealand music month I hope you like it! Uh, this is all I have today have a
great day and bye!               Question: What's the best thing about NZ music month to you?