
Monday 10 December 2018

my goal recap

Hey everyone you know that goal to read 4 book it's more then four books that i have to read here is a little recap of what i've done so here is the goal i made the words white so you can see it better so i have read three i'm working on my 4th book i haven't read much thought i have only 13 or 16 page of it because i haven't been reading much (i'm to busy on my tablet 😅) i'm not a fast reader but i think i'm doing good for my goal but i haven't completed well i think that is a good recap for you guys sooo bye everyone^_^


  1. hi riley i like you all about you it is cool

  2. hi Riley I really like how you add a triangle and the colour of your background like purple. It is like you want to show fashion.


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