
Wednesday 20 June 2018

Roles and Responsibilities in our school

this is my work


  1. Hi RIlEY this is linny and phoebe we saw or work it is cool that means you love the teachers you are a great a friend even phoebe loves you the new and cool girl you are also cool 8 did you enjoy doing this work me and phoebe loved it wow you knocked my socks off did you think it was fun the facts you have used are really good. how did you do it this tells me that you like all the teachers and i know that you already love the teacher once again you are cool amazing great awesome

    1. Hi Linny and phoebe thank you for this big comment! i like how you and phoebe like my work thank you for calling me cool amazing and all those words well are i great friend to have in this school. when i was reading this it made me smile thank you for making me smile. well i have to go bye Linny and phoebe.


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