
Wednesday 14 February 2018

te ara takitni

being in the senior is awesome it so fun

my favourite thing about the senior is all the colour on the walls and art

in the senior we have be doing art selling and

Image result for excited face


  1. that is so Funny!!! not

  2. so funny biebie

  3. Hey Riley Nirvana here, OMG you love te ara takitni It amazing right. Do you have much fun and how is your teacher? And do you have many friends form to ara takini? Well Bye

  4. Hi Riley, I like how you expressed your feelings about Te Ara Takitini with us. It is so nice that you put the OMG cat there.
    Blog you later.

  5. hi me unique so cute writing about way you pit it up

  6. Hi Riley i like how you add a lot of detail

  7. Hey Riley Its Jonte here. I like your gymnastic vidoe.

  8. hey riley it's courtney just stoping by to look at some of your blog posts and i found this one and its really cute cause of the photo and i love how much writing you have you have probably done more than me.its amazing but you can inprove on way more writing.thats all blog you later

  9. hi im ethan My favourite part was when i so the cat but Did you think about it it how did you do it


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