
Thursday 9 December 2021

Making Hokey Pokey


I Want to find out how to make Hokey Pokey 




  • Half a teaspoon of Baking Soba
  •  5 teaspoons of Sugar
  • 2 teaspoons of  Maple Syrup
  • Bunsen Burner 
  • Pot
  • Baking paper 

  1. Wash your hands
  2. Get your equipment
  3. Add your sugar and golden syrup to your pot 
  4. Set up your Bunsen Burner 
  5. Use blue flame 
  6. Melt then boil the sugar 
  7. Turn off the gas
  8. Add the baking soda and mix
  9.  Tip out the honeycomb on to the baking paper
  10. let it cool
  11. Clean up your equiqment

Monday 6 December 2021


 Hello Everyone,

Today In art class we have to do a blog about Monoprinting, monoprinting is a kind of printmaking the intent is to make unique prints. tyhere are five types of monoprinting they are, 

- Tabletop Printing

- Trash bag printing (Which was the one we did)

- Gelli Plates

- Transparency Printing

- Plexiglass Printing  

If you want to learn more about them, here is a link (Monoprinting

Monoprinting is Pretty fun and simple, but it does take lot of equipment you need stuff like 

  • Monoprinting paint (Im not sure if non-monoprinting paint works) 
  • Water colour pencils (Option) 
  • Rolling pin or wooden spoon,
  • Piece of Plastic or pexiglass
So if your ever bored and have this stuff lying around I recommend you try it! 

I Doing one at the moment but I haven't finish so when I finish it I'll update this blog!
Anyways that's all for this blog I hope you guys enjoyed it :)

Thursday 2 December 2021

Making Ginger Beer


I want to find out how to brew Ginger Beer


How To Make Alcohol

How To Make Ginger Beer




  • Plastic Cup
  • Pen
  • Powered Ginger 
  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Spoon
  • Lemon Juice
  • Yeast 

  1. Get Your Equipment 
  2. Put your name on a disposable cup
  3. Put half a teaspoon of ginger into the cup
  4. Add half a cup of water 
  5. Add one tablespoon of Sugar into the cup
  6. Mix with a spoon 
  7. Put five drops of lemon juice 
  8. Taste it and adjust the flavor 
  9. Add one quarter of a teaspoon yeast
  10. Let it brew for one week



I tasted like crap, I don't like gingerbeer already but this was way worst 0/10 I think i'm going to throw up  

What is Fermentation?

Yeast will eat the sugar and breath out CO2 or known as Carbon Dioxide.

What are best conditions for brewing 

For normal ale Fermentation temperatures can range from 60 to 78 °F  but for larger fermentations can go from 45 to 55 °F

Wednesday 24 November 2021


 Hello Everyone,

In Art class we have been doing stuff about Henri Rousseau, for this art project we had to get stuff from outside and print and trace it, then we had to colour it in my one not the best i'm not that good at tracing and coloring, but saying that I did work hard on it, 

I hope you guys enjoy this tiny art blog, I know its not the best. :)

Eating Healthy

 Hello Everyone,

In health class we have been learning about healthy eating,  and we had to do a slide about a meal plan but had to make it healthy so we needed foods like bread (Not white)  Weetbix that you could put fruit with. It didn't take to long to complete because I did it in a group.

If you are looking for ideas to eat for dinner, lunch or breakfast you can take some from here!


That's all I have for you today bye!

Friday 19 November 2021

pH Colours


I want to find out what the colours of pH are 

Research :



  • Acid - Hydrochloric Acid 
  • Base - Sodium Hydroxide
  • Test Tube Rack with test tubes
  • Universal Indictor 
  1. Get your equipment 
  2. Put 10 drops of universal indicator into the test tube
  3. Add different amounts of acid and base into the test tube
  4. Watch what happens happens to the colour 


What is an acid?

- Acid is Molecule or a ion capable.

Thursday 18 November 2021

Hatupatu and the bird woman poster.

Hello Everyone,

In class we have been reading about Maori myths and legend, this time legend was Hatupatu and the bird woman. One of the activates was to make wanted poster about the bird woman, we had to put a Money reward, a phone number so they can call, what we need this person is to do. I know its not the best but i like it.

Here it is -

And if you don't know the story about the bird woman and would like to know more, here's a video

I hope to work more on and learn more