I am a Year 7 student in the Uru Mānuka Cluster. This is a place where I will share my learning. Please note that some of it will not be complete, it will be my first drafts. Remember to be positive, thoughtful and helpful when you leave me a comment.
Thursday, 14 November 2019
MY trip to ''Japan''
Hey everyone! do you remember when I went to ''japan'' wait you don't? well, I made a postcard to my mum showing her that I am in ''japan'' see have a look totally not fake right?? haha did I trick you?? I totally did right? anyway, I hope you guys have a good day and bye!
Tuesday, 12 November 2019
here's a link https://docs.google.com/document(for better quality)
Friday, 1 November 2019
Friday, 25 October 2019
Spring learning journey!
Spring learning journey!
Hi everyone! today I did some work for the spring learning journey I still have more going on the slide I hope you enjoy what I got now anyway I hope you all have a good day and bye, everyone!
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Festival of flowers!
Festival of flowers!
Hi everyone how it's going! anyway today I sketch some flowers for the festival of flower! if you don't know what the festival of flowers in celebration of gardens, plants and everything floral! so here's my flowers hope you like them!
Anyway, that's all for day bye guy's have a good day! |
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Hai everyone! Welcome back to my blog today I going to talk about fanimals if you don't know what fanimals is here a fanimales here' a link to a 3-minute video https://youtu.be/l4mvj_UQK-4 the show is just about animals it very cool if you like animals they have all sort of animals like dogs, kittens, and more! and you can earn lots of cool prizes! they came lots of cool crafts that are very fun to make & fanimals came to our school we got to meet jess(one of the owns I think) we got to meet there dog Molson which is a golden retriever we got to get some cards as a gift! which was very nice! well that's all for today guys hope you enjoyed this blog post-bye, everyone!
(if you want to check out there website here's a link https://fanimals.co.nz/)
(if you want to check out there website here's a link https://fanimals.co.nz/)
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Best thing this term
Hey everyone! today I have done the best things that I have like this term I hope you like it & you could tell me what you have like this term I would like to know! anyway bye everyone has a good dAY!
RWC Slide thing
Rugby world cup!
Hello, guys & girls welcome back I have got a slide to show you about the rugby world cup! we did this as a class I Canada & Argentina We drew the county out of a jar thing I got Argentina first but when I finished it I got to do another one so I did Canada I hope you like the slide! I have to go now bye everyone enjoy!
Friday, 20 September 2019
Hello everyone! today I have got a slide to share with you today & it about kea's this is like my giraffe slide! just with kea's any way I did this because of Orana park I going to tell you a little bit about what I did! first, when we got there we have morning tea after that we went to go have a look at the reptiles but we couldn't because the door wasn't open ater that we went to the kea's they are really cool one even one flew by us! which is cool next saw the lions the loins were in their cage & we did more stuff but I forgot what order it went in
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Hi, I'm back with another slide! about.. giraffes I mean you should from the title of this! & no I did not make another giraffe slide this is my first one! anyway here it is! hope you enjoy!
Thursday, 12 September 2019
Maori language week!
Hey everyone! hope you have a good day today I did something for Maori language week I did it on this site called Piskel (here's a link to it if you want to try it out! https://www.piskelapp.com) a did Maui you know Maui right? did you don't there is a legend that he slowed the sun! because it would become night so fast! anyway here is my art piece! am so sorry that it is really blurry I couldn't make it better if you know how to make this better please tell me!
Tuesday, 10 September 2019
Mariana Trench post again!
Hi everyone hopes you are having a good day I back with an another Mariana trench post yay am I right I have been doing this for two weeks I have been learning a lot about the Mariana past the weeks I tried as I hard I could to make this good! I edited my work but I not good at putting full stops, punctuation, etc
Hi have you heard of the mariana Trench you haven't? You should be glad to be here! Day is your lucky day to learn about the mariana trench. learn about the weird creatures & the pressure & how deep. The mariana trench is! But I have to warn you don’t go down there you might not live!
Weird creatures!
The Mariana Trench has some Weird creatures like. The dumbo octopus. That looks like yellow blob but. Not at the same time! the pacific viperfish i don’t even know how to explain. This one! But it does look kinda. Scary!. Six-Gill shark i mean i just looks like a shark to me! you might think they are cute! But.. no they look gross scary! Well in my part they look gross did you know that there are only 360 species in the mariana trench.!
pressure in the mariana trench
The pressure in the mariana trench is crazy!8 tons per square inch! (703 kilograms) did you know some of the creatures don’t even have bones because of the pressure because the pressure would break the bones in an instant! Because of how hard the pressure is crazy right?
How deep is mariana trench!
The mariana trench is so Deep in fact. it’s the deepest part of the ocean! It is 36,201 feet! So if. You put mr everest you would still have. space left in the mariana trench!? That’s why it’s the deepest part of the ocean.
I hope you have learned some stuff about the mariana trench. because I kinda did! Do you think the mariana trench you would want to know more about the mariana trench because i would! I really liked making this well i thought it was fun!
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
Hi everyone so I had to a slide of measurement for you sorry if it bad I didn't understand most of what I had to do! but anyway I going to take thought what I had to do!
we got told what to do I didn't understand it though
I did a slide because we had to do a slide or a drawing
I did lots of words that I didn't think that made sense
I forgot what I had to do
mariana trench!
Mariana Trench!
Hi guys & girl hope you are having a good day today now are you ready to Mariana trench facts! well you should be because here you are! facts about the Mariana trench hope you like it
My next step is to...
know a lot about the next slide or thing I do so I can do my work faster & easier
(i did this with Chevelle so thank for doing this with me Chevelle!)
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
Math Strategy! fun!
Math Strategy!
Hai everyone hope you are having a good day today! so today I have some math to show you! here you go! (this is my (strategy learning!)

My next steps are to learn to do this I an instant so I can do my math faster!
Hai everyone hope you are having a good day today! so today I have some math to show you! here you go! (this is my (strategy learning!)
My next steps are to learn to do this I an instant so I can do my math faster!
Thursday, 29 August 2019
Mariana trench
Hi, everyone hope you are having a great day today! we have been working on finding facts about the Mariana trench No! it's not the slide! it's a drawing but there is a slide coming thought! anyway I'm going to talk you through what I had to do
so on Monday we started to, learn about the mysterious thing called the Mariana trench!
On Tuesday we made an information plan about the Mariana trench that you are going to see now!
I enjoyed making it I thought it was fun!
my next steps are I don't know i don't have much in mind that I have to work on!
I enjoyed making it I thought it was fun!
my next steps are I don't know i don't have much in mind that I have to work on!
Thursday, 22 August 2019
Hello everyone, I hope you have a great day so in literacy, I have been work on an earthquake slide in literacy so if you don't know earthquake or you have never been in one but I think most of you guys &girls know what I earthquake but just in case you don't know an earthquake it's thing that shakes the but an enough of me you want to see the slide well here you go!
if you have any questions of anything, please consider commenting on this post
my next step is properly not making it not so dark and grey & add some colour next time!
if you have any questions of anything, please consider commenting on this post
my next step is properly not making it not so dark and grey & add some colour next time!
Friday, 9 August 2019
Facts about Soccer
Facts about Soccer
In literacy this week we had to make a slide, google drawing, poster or a book about a sport. I made a poster about Soccer. Here is my ScreenCastify.
Thursday, 8 August 2019
Math strategy thing
Hai everyone today(August 8th) I have done some Strategy math things I don't what to call it here this the work I found doing this hard in till I got me for the examples of me using the strategy I know there is a mistake in here can you find it if you find anything else wrong please tell me! anyway, that's all for today bye guys!!!
Tuesday, 6 August 2019
Fiction vs non fiction
Hey guys & girls today(August 6th) I have Finished my Fiction vs non-fiction if you don't know what fiction means it's not true and non-fiction means it's real! anyway, have a look if I got any wrong please tell me or what I could have added in fiction or non-fiction anyway thank you for having a look I have to go now Bye!
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
Hi, guys & girl today we have been learning Netiquette if you don't know what Netiquette it means to be nice! online or where ever you are! we have used a site Venngage to share or learning with you! I (this is the site go check it out!venngage) hope you enjoy and always Stay Nice!!
Friday, 26 July 2019
Thursday, 4 July 2019
Friday, 31 May 2019
Friday, 24 May 2019
Hey everyone today i did my ramadan slide its just bunch of facts well i hope you like reading it the facts are just bunch together and that is all
Thursday, 23 May 2019
Personal vs private
hey yo everyone in class we have been talking about personal and private so what we should not post to anyone(only the ones you trust) and can post anyone so here is a example so this is all to be honest nothing too special hope you like because that is all bye my lovey people
Hey yo everyone that looks at my blog posts yesterday(may 23) i did some math that i was supposed to post yesterday but i didn't have time to do it so here is hope you like it
Monday, 20 May 2019
Wednesday, 15 May 2019
Tuesday, 7 May 2019
Prototec May 7th
Hai everyone to day i did so prototec that am going to share with you first am going to talk about this so this is my work i think i did good but a thing i want to work on is my time i think having a lower time is better and maybe help me more? well that's all bye my friends
Monday, 6 May 2019
In literacy we are learning about the war (Anzac day) and this is a little slide to together so i hope you enjoy.
Monday, 8 April 2019
What I am proud of in term one...
1.Going to school mostly everyday day
2.Getting better at my writing
3.To be honest i'm proud of everything i do even if a don't come first and that is all hope you like meh work bye
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