I am a Year 7 student in the Uru Mānuka Cluster. This is a place where I will share my learning. Please note that some of it will not be complete, it will be my first drafts. Remember to be positive, thoughtful and helpful when you leave me a comment.
In the past two weeks for gym have been doing gymnastics for gym, going on the Trampoline, Mini Trampoline, Parallel Bars, Floor, Beam, Horizontal Bar. Have learned a bit these past two weeks like getting better at doing my summersault still trying to land on my feet though. the one that I enjoyed doing this most was the Trampoline, the one I didn't like doing was the Parallel bars. before starting doing gymnastics I though it was going to be boring buts its funnier than it looks still hard though.
Here is What I have learnt, the one in green are the ones I have leant though the past to weeks, and the one ticked are the one I all ready knew how to do.
In art class we are learning about a new artist called Henri Rousseau, if you don't know who Henri is he was a artist in the 1844 but died in the 1910s. At first Henri wasn't to popular most of Henri paintings are based off nature or the jungle.
Here is a piece of art he did
He is a piece of art he did it is called "The Snake Charmer" made in 1907
Five Facts About Henri
Henri loves nature
Henri couldn't afford art lessons so he was self taught
He reads about a big art exhibition and puts in his art that was the first time he displayed his art
People would say mean things about his art
He would go to the louvre to look at his favorite artists to learn about anatomy
Two words from Quizlet I didn't understand
Foreground - The information you see as the closest to you in an Art image.